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Skater Support Program


Skate Canada National and Challenge Levels

Upon application, the Glen Cairn Skating Club may, subject to the availability of sufficient Skater Development funds, support individual skaters or skater pairs who are members of the Glen Cairn Skating Club who have qualified at the National and Challenge levels, with the reimbursement of the following expenses up to a maximum amount as determined annually by the Board of Directors:

  • Cost of Travel for one coach (economy level for flights or train)
  • Cost of Hotel accommodation for one room for the coach (based on reasonably priced average rate in the applicable city)
  • Skater registration fees for qualified skaters

Skaters are required to provide invoices for reimbursement. For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the maximum amount allowable is up to $2500.00 per skater subject to the following conditions:

  1. If more than one skater shares the same coach for the same National or Challenge level event (e.g. a pairs team, or two or more singles skaters that share the same base coach), then the cost of reimbursement for the coach’s travel and accommodation (up to the maximum eligible amount) will be paid only once.
  2. In applying for the Skater Support Program, the applicant authorizes the Glen Cairn Skating Club, on the applicant’s behalf, to reimburse directly to the coach the eligible cost of the coach’s travel and accommodation expenses.

How to Apply:

Skaters may apply for the Skater Support Program by email or letter to and to and provide the following information:

  1. Name(s) of skater or skater pair
  2. Whether they have successfully qualified at the National or Challenge level
  3. Location of the competition
  4. Name of the coach accompanying the applicant
  5. Estimated cost of travel and accommodation for the coach
  6. Cost of skater registration

The Club will notify skater applicants, should they qualify for reimbursement under the Skater Support Program and will advise the applicant of the maximum eligible amount. The Board may consider any extenuating circumstances in reconsidering an increase in the maximum eligible amount that an applicant will qualify for.

Voted on and approved by the Board of Directors on: April 26th, 2023








 Glen Cairn Skating Club
 P.O. Box 24021
 Kanata, Ontario
 K2L 2C3



General Inquiries:

to see our directory click here

