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Confidentiality Policy


Confidentiality Policy

Glen Cairn Skating Club (GCSC)

Implemented by the GCSC Board: August 21, 2023


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that confidential information will not be divulged to anyone other than those who are authorized to receive such information and who have a need to know.

This Confidentiality Policy applies to all GCSC employees, contractors, volunteers, directors, committee members, officials, and trustees. Confidential or proprietary information regarding the Club’s operations, past, current or future and which are not readily available to the public nor are a matter of public record may not be disclosed. This material may include, without limitation the following types of information or material, in whatever form, both existing and contemplated, regarding the GCSC:

·       Organizational information, including, without limitation, contractual arrangements, marketing plans and techniques, methods of operations, production processes, methods and methodologies that are not standard practice or that are not generally known, plans, strategies, tables and compilations of business and industrial information acquired by or on behalf of GCSC, tactics, policies, resolutions, patents and patent applications, trade mark and trade name applications, any litigation or negotiations;

·       Information concerning suppliers;

·       Marketing information, client and customer lists, donor lists, strategies, methods, clients and market research data;

·       Financial information, including cost and performance data, debt arrangements, and funding;

·       Operational information, including, without limitation, trade secrets, know-how, concepts,
data, designs, flow charts, specifications, product plans, technical designs and drawings, engineering specifications, computer hardware and software and software codes;

·       Personnel information, including personnel lists, resumes, personnel data, organizational structure and performance evaluations; and,

·       Any other information that GCSC treats as, or considers to be confidential (Confidential Information).

Access to Confidential Information either indirectly or directly may be provided to an individual or group for the sole purpose of performing specific duties and responsibilities, and any other use is strictly prohibited. Such Confidential Information obtained pursuant to a specific position with GCSC, except as is necessary for the performance of related duties and responsibilities in such position or authorized by law or with written authorization from the GCSC Board of Directors (BOD) shall not be disclosed. In addition, use of such information for personal advantage or speculation is strictly forbidden. If Confidential Information is used or disclosed in violation of this Confidentiality Policy, irreparable harm to GCSC may result. As a result, SO may, pursue any and all remedies in law or in equity to which it may be entitled.

Reasonable measures must be taken to protect Confidential Information. In the event that Confidential Information is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, it must be reported immediately to the GCSC BOD.


a.      All matters that are the subject of any in-camera portion of any meeting are confidential until disclosed in an open meeting.

b.     All matters that are before a committee are confidential unless they have been determined not to be confidential by the Chair of the relevant committee following consultation with the GCSC BOD. The overall purpose and objective of this policy will serve as points of reference in making such determinations.

c.      Confidential information is the exclusive property of GCSC and any writing, document or other material containing Confidential Information shall be returned to GCSC upon completion of an individual’s or group’s engagement with the organization.

This Confidentiality Policy complements GCSC’s Privacy Policy, ensuring all information is handled according to relevant legislation.


Next review by GCSC Board: August 2024

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 Glen Cairn Skating Club
 P.O. Box 24021
 Kanata, Ontario
 K2L 2C3



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