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Board of Directors Responsibilities and Code of Conduct


Board of Directors Responsibilities and Code of Conduct

Glen Cairn Skating Club (GCSC)

Implemented by the GCSC Board: August 21, 2023

Purpose of the Board of Directors:

The Glen Cairn Skating Club (GCSC) Board of Directors is responsible for providing strategic leadership to the organization.

Responsibilities of the Board:

·       Develop and support the implementation of policy including finance, risk management and external stakeholder relations.

·       Approve, where appropriate, policy and recommendations received from various sources,
including Directors, committees and/or staff.

·       Hire the Coaches and other staff and evaluate the Coaches’ performance.

·       Receive financial reporting and provide financial oversight and controls.

·       Ensure that a Strategic Plan including Vision, Mission, and Values is in place and support its implementation.

·       Ensure compliance with government regulations, laws and policies of the GCSC, Skate Ontario and Skate Canada

·       Provide governance leadership and oversight including the By-laws, elections and succession planning.

·       Establish Standing Committees (e.g. Finance, Governance, Staff Review,

Responsibilities of Individual Directors:

·       Act as a Director on the GCSC Board in the corporation’s best interests.

·       Understand and support GCSC’s Vision, Mission and Values.

·       Represent the organization in a positive and supportive manner at all times and in all places.

·       Understand the roles of Board and of Management in policy-making and policy implementation.

·       Attend Board meetings well prepared and well informed regarding issues on the agenda and be prepared to actively contribute.

·       Be knowledgeable about the GCSC so as to facilitate contributions to Board meetings.

·       Observe procedural rules and participate in discussions in a collegial and constructive manner that benefits skaters and the sport of skating.

·       Abide by Skate Ontario, Skate Canada and GCSC policies and procedures.

·       Maintain Board confidentiality and a high level of integrity and ethical conduct

·       Participate in Board activities as assigned and wherever and whenever possible.

·       Serve on committees and working groups as requested and participate in the accomplishment of their objectives.

·       Disclose all conflicts of interest and avoid the substance or appearance of conflict of interest that could adversely influence objectivity in conducting Board business.


Code of Conduct


All GCSC Board members  agree they have familiarized themselves and agree to abide by all applicable laws, Skate Ontario policies, the GCSC by-laws, policies and procedures and, further,  they understand their responsibilities as outlined in this document. Additionally, each Board member agrees to the following:


Each Board Member (Directors and Officers) will:


·       act honestly and in good faith to serve the best interests of the GCSC;

·       exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances;

·       avoid situations that will create a conflict of interest;

·       self-assess and declare a potential conflict of interest before participating in a decision-making matter;

·       avoid discussions of Board-related matters outside of Board meetings when other members of the Board are not present;

·       provide other members of the Board with all relevant information in advance of Board meetings where a Board decision is  required;

·       conduct and participate in Board meetings in a professional, courteous  manner so as to maintain decorum at meetings;

·       not use their positions to obtain employment within the organization for themselves or family members;

·       not make any judgments of staff performance except if the performance is officially assessed against the terms and conditions of employment and GCSC policies;

·       contribute and express their views and opinions on any topic under consideration. Once a decision has been made or ratified by the Board, members will be united in support of the Board decision;

·       not attempt to cover up or conceal any potential wrong-doing or conduct of an individual that is, or may be, in breach of this Code or GCSC policies and will report any concerns and/or violations to the Board;

·       cooperate with investigations;

·       fully support and adhere to the prohibition against retaliation against any individual who enact this Policy because they exercise their obligation to report a concern or potential wrong-doing;

·       ensure that all documents, equipment and other pertinent articles are returned to the GCSC within four weeks following their departure from the Board and,

·       treat all Board members, staff, parents, and skaters with respect.


I attest that I am qualified to be a member of the Board of Directors and that I


a)      Am eighteen (18) years of age or older;

b)      Have not been found under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act, 1990 to be incapable of managing property;

c)       Do not have the status of bankrupt;

d)      Am not a paid employee of the Club, with the exception of one certified professional coach;

e)      Am a Member of the Club, or will become a Member within 10 days of being
elected; and



Name of Board Member (PLEASE PRINT): _________________________________________


Signature of Board Member: __________________________________________


Date: _____________________________________









 Glen Cairn Skating Club
 P.O. Box 24021
 Kanata, Ontario
 K2L 2C3



General Inquiries:

to see our directory click here

